The Martu Christian Fellowship (MCF)
The Martu Christian Fellowship (MCF) is an incorporated body that boasts an all Martu membership and board. MCF runs Martu Church, operating under “The Martu Way” of positive values, value of lore, culture and language, value of family and kinship and warm and loving respect as one people. The Martu Way comes under and is entwined in “Mama’s Way” (Creator God’s way). Mama’s Way holds firm to scripture and the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus as a way to restore Martu and all people into relationship of how life was designed to be; with land, with culture, with each other, with self and with creator God.
MCF while physically based in Newman has a membership that has their geographical home across the communities of the Western Desert. Newman is a hub town to about seven remote Aboriginal communities. For this reason MCF has a membership that may travel. It is warm and welcoming of all people.
The Martu Farm is an initiative of the Martu Christian Fellowship. It boasts activities and engagements that are positive and supportive of positive lifestyle choices, supportive of culture and connection to land, supportive of giving and serving, supportive of responding to the needs both physical and social, supportive of wellbeing, supportive of providing and being a voice both in social issues and in individual lives. The Martu Farm aims to be pure gold in its example in the East Pilbara in the standard it sets and the practices it supports and involves in. The Martu Farm is a safe space that is the Martu’s. The motto of the Martu Farm is Do No Harm. The Martu Farm values and engages collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders locally, state wide, nationally and internationally.
Connection: Red Dirt Blue Sky / Blue Sky Pilbara and MCF & The Martu Farm initiative
RDBS BSP second staff to support the MCF and the Martu Farm initiative. These staff are placed under the direct instruction and authority of the Martu board, elders and leaders. Roles taken include Pastor, Community Support, Community Chaplaincy and CEO of The Martu Farm initiative.
RDBS BSP supports MCF and The Martu Farm by facilitating and assisting in areas of Western bureacratic requirements for example meeting constitutional obligations, written communication with agencies and departments, insurances and compliance.
Martu Board, Elders and Leaders
MCF has an all Martu membership and board. The governance of MCF is respective of Martu Government. Many of the members, leaders, elders and board are also pillars within the Martu Government.
Mr Peter Tinkler and June
Chairman and Elder Advisor
Mr Tinker is a pillar in the Martu Government. He is pivotal within his community providing practical support as well as advice, instruction and direction. Mr Tinker travelled as a young man to Papua New Guinea. He traveled with Old Man Marsh supporting him with the translation of the Bible in Martu language. This trip was a significant time for Mr Tinker helping him form his direction that would hold him firm and support his role as he journeyed in older life and the responsibilities and obligations of a Martu Elder.
Gavin and Doreen Simpson
Board and Leader
Gavin has worked for ten years at BHP. He juggles this with his family and culture obligations. Him and Doreen support many children providing a warm and loving home. Both come from a long legacy of grandparents who love and walk in the ways of faith.